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Troubleshooting Guide for Deployments on PipeOps

Deploying applications can sometimes come with unexpected challenges. This guide provides general troubleshooting tips to help you address common issues encountered during the deployment process.

1. Address Auto-Deployment Issues

If your project is not auto deploying when you make a new commit to your GitHub repo, it might be an issue with the PipeOps app integration.


You can correct it by doing either of the following:

a) Click on “Add organization” to install the PipeOps app on your profile. This will ensure that updates are properly sent to our web-hooks.

b) Alternatively, you can go to the PipeOps app installation screen on GitHub by clicking https://github.com/apps/pipeops/installations/select_target

2. Check Your Environment Configuration

Ensure that your environment variables are correctly set up. Incorrect or missing environment variables are a common cause of deployment failures.


Double-check the environment variables configured in your deployment settings. Verify that all required variables are present and correctly formatted.

3. Review Deployment Logs

Logs are your best friend when troubleshooting deployment issues. They provide detailed information about what went wrong during the deployment process.


Access the deployment logs from your PipeOps dashboard. Look for error messages or warnings that can point you in the right direction.

4. Validate Your Configuration Files

Incorrect settings in configuration files such as docker-compose.yml, package.json, or other build configuration files can cause deployment issues.


Validate the syntax and settings in your configuration files. Use online validators or linters to check for errors.

5. Ensure Sufficient Resources

Deployments may fail if the target server does not have enough resources (CPU, memory, disk space) to handle the new application.


Check the resource usage on your target server. If resources are insufficient, consider upgrading your server plan or optimizing your application to use fewer resources.

6. Update Dependencies

Outdated dependencies can cause compatibility issues during deployment.


Ensure that all dependencies are up-to-date. Use package managers like npm, pip, or gem to update your dependencies to their latest stable versions.

7. Verify Build Scripts

Build scripts that fail during execution can cause your deployment to fail.


Review your build scripts (e.g., build, start, test scripts in your package.json). Ensure they are correctly defined and functioning as expected.

8. Check for Missing Dependencies

Missing dependencies can cause your application to fail during the deployment process.


Ensure that all required dependencies are listed in your project’s dependency manager (e.g., package.json for Node.js, requirements.txt for Python). Run dependency installation commands locally to verify that all dependencies are correctly installed.


Troubleshooting deployment issues can be challenging, but with a systematic approach, you can identify and resolve common problems effectively. By following these tips, you’ll be better equipped to handle deployment challenges and ensure a smooth deployment process for your projects. Happy deploying!

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