We help you set up, manage, monitor, and scale your applications on the cloud.

Announcing PipeOps Nova Servers & Improvements to the PipeOps Dashboard

As a cloud infrastructure solutions platform, PipeOps enables developers and organisations to deploy their simple or complex applications to the cloud seamlessly and significantly reduces the amount of post-deployment tasks engineers go through when setting up their applications for usage on production servers. We have consistently pushed the boundaries for what is achievable. Changing the status quo for how seamlessly anyone can deploy their application to the cloud.

Also, we are excited to share the latest updates and improvements we’ve made to PipeOps this 1st quarter of 2024. We aim to enhance your cloud infrastructure management experience, making deploying your applications easier and more efficient. To do this, we realised very quickly that our customers will require a few things. One is an easier way to understand and make choices on how they deploy their applications. They will also need a better interface to track their resource usage & manage their subscriptions on their PipeOps deployments.

Here are the highlights of the updates we have for you today. We;

  • Improved our onboarding process for new customers joining PipeOps.
  • Now allow you to deploy your application on PipeOps Managed Servers at a fraction of the cost you spend deploying on other cloud providers.
  • Now support payments in local currencies for our Nigerian customers.
  • Introduced PipeOps credits, a way to reward our customers who are looking for an easy deployment option, as they migrate their applications to PipeOps.
  • Simplified the resource monitoring dashboard making it easy for you to track the resources you consume on PipeOps and easily manage your subscriptions.

Let’s dive into the improvements we made to PipeOps;

Improved Onboarding

We improved our Onboarding flow to make it easier for customers to understand the value of PipeOps. This will in turn give seamless access to their PipeOps dashboard in just a few minutes. 


PipeOps Managed Servers

We understand that not everyone might be interested in the complexities of managing their applications on the cloud via cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or even Microsoft Azure. This is due to the complexity of not just setting up an application but also the configurations and uphill learning paths involved in actually deploying and managing your application. For this reason, we are pleased to announce the launch of PipeOps Managed Servers. These servers are lightweight, fast and efficient for anyone looking to quickly deploy simple applications to the cloud without the hassle of complicated billing, exorbitant costs for simple deployments and complex application setups after deployments.

As a customer, you will now be able to decide if you wish to deploy directly to PipeOps servers or to your cloud application of choice and you will be able to make payments in local currencies (for Nigerian users only).

Once you select to deploy “On PipeOps”, we ask you for the region you wish to deploy your application to.

After you complete this stage, we then allow you to configure your server options and the size of the server you will be deploying to. As a user, you will be able to customise the CPU size, memory and storage options you want for your server and see in real-time how this impacts your server cost. This makes it easy for you to maintain a budget for your project.

Deployments to your Existing Cloud Providers (AWS, GCP & Azure)

As a reliable cloud management platform, we understand the diverse nature of our customers and their preferences when it comes to cloud deployments and we made it possible for anyone to use PipeOps, not restricted to our managed servers, but anyone can deploy to their already existing cloud provider like AWS, GCP or Azure. 

To make a deployment, we allow you to connect your cloud account to PipeOps – this grants PipeOps reserved access to make changes, create a server and make modifications to your server – actions that can take days or weeks if you are handling them internally.


PipeOps Free Credits for Migrating Customers

Migrating to a new cloud platform can be not just stressful but expensive considering that you’d be moving the same application from an existing server on your old cloud provider to a new one – this is why we are delighted to share with you that PipeOps is officially launching PipeOps Credits. This will enable you to easily migrate your solution, take time to set things up and monitor how your environment scales with traffic without spending any cost initially. 

PipeOps credits are available for all customers deploying their applications on PipeOps either via our Managed Servers or directly to your Cloud Platform (AWS, GCP or Azure) and will be easily accessible when you navigate to deploying to a project.

PipeOps Resource Usage Monitoring

On the PipeOps dashboard, we also now make it easy for customers who deploy projects to be able to track their project resource usage, monitor their cost spent and manage their subscriptions.

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