We help you set up, manage, monitor, and scale your applications on the cloud.

PipeOps Vs AWS EKS: The Best Kubernetes Service for Beginners

Amazon Web Services Elastic Kubernetes Service (AWS EKS) is a managed Kubernetes service. It that simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications using Kubernetes. As a popular choice for container orchestration, AWS EKS provides a robust infrastructure for running containerized workloads efficiently. In this article, we will explain why PipeOps vs AWS EKS explores the best option for beginners to be able to deploy to AWS without core technical cloud experience.


  • We introduce AWS EKS, a managed Kubernetes service by Amazon Web Services, providing a platform for deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications using Kubernetes and explore how it may not be the best solution for teams looking to deploy and go-live in minutes, not weeks considering the technical expertise required to setup, manage extra needed services and post-deployment tasks before taking your application live.
  • We introduce you to PipeOps, a simplified cloud platform that enables you to deploy and manage your server to your AWS account in a fraction of the time. With PipeOps, you still get to use your AWS account and can deploy a server on AWS but we also pre-install services and tools that make it easy to go live with your application immediately and not in weeks, as compared to AWS EKS.

Let’s dive in – we also have a sweet deal from the PipeOps team for you at the end of this article!

Kubernetes Service – Introduction

As an engineer or even a Startup founder, it’s important to realize that writing the code for your application or having your engineers/team complete the product isn’t the final step . Deploying your application successfully and having it ready for your customers is how you hit a home-run. Think about it, customers won’t use your software on your laptop will they?

AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (AWS EKS), owned by Amazon Web Services, is a managed Kubernetes service that simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications using Kubernetes. As a popular choice for container orchestration, AWS EKS provides a robust infrastructure for running containerized workloads efficiently. But here’s the catch – it’s super stressful deploying on AWS EKS yourself and for some teams, it’s super expensive as you’d have to either have an experienced AWS DevOps engineer who can get both the deployment and post-deployment tasks completed in weeks. This automatically means that getting your product out to your customers isn’t as easy as you should have expected. 

Kubernetes Service

PipeOps is a revolutionary DevOps automation platform designed to simplify and streamline the deployment and management of applications on the cloud. You can choose to use PipeOps managed servers or deploy directly to your AWS, GCP, Azure servers. What sets PipeOps apart is its commitment to providing a user-friendly interface that empowers startup founders and developers to effortlessly deploy their applications while offering robust features for effective deployment management, rollback handling, server usage monitoring, and overall deployment optimization. 

We’ll compare how PipeOps stands out and the areas where you’d prefer PipeOps deployments to deploying directly to AWS EKS – so buckle up, get some chocolate and let’s go for a ride.

PipeOps vs AWS EKS: Picking the Best Kubernetes Service

1. Deployment Automation:

AWS EKS streamlines containerized application deployment but demands a considerable learning curve. Engineers often find themselves navigating intricate configurations and scripting to set up automated deployments. Deploying and managing applications on AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) can be a complex process, especially for developers who are not well-versed in Kubernetes and container orchestration. Here are some examples of the complexities;

  • Configuration and YAML Files: Kubernetes relies heavily on YAML files for configuration. Developers must create and manage these YAML files, defining specifications for pods, services, and other components. With EKS, you’d be tasked with setting this up yourself for your deployments.
  • Cluster Setup and Management: Setting up an EKS cluster involves configuring networking, IAM roles, security groups, and other AWS-specific components. Managing the EKS cluster’s health, scaling policies, and ensuring compatibility with AWS services can be intricate.
  • Integration with AWS Services: Many applications deployed on AWS EKS require integration with other AWS services like RDS, S3, or DynamoDB. Ensuring seamless communication and secure connections between EKS clusters and these services adds an additional layer of complexity.

In contrast, PipeOps revolutionizes deployment automation. Its intuitive interface enables developers to effortlessly deploy applications to the cloud without delving into the complexities of manual scripting. With PipeOps, users can deploy their applications to the cloud without the need for in-depth knowledge of Kubernetes concepts, YAML file configurations, or intricate networking setups.

Additionally, PipeOps automates many aspects of the deployment lifecycle, including the setup of CI/CD pipelines. Unlike the manual scripting required for AWS EKS, PipeOps provides an out-of-the-box CI/CD pipeline for every project deployment. This automation not only saves time but also ensures a standardized and reliable deployment process. The platform takes care of resource scaling, monitoring, and logging, offering a comprehensive solution that simplifies the entire deployment journey. With PipeOps, the path to deploying and managing applications on the cloud becomes straightforward, empowering users to concentrate on innovation and business growth rather than navigating deployment complexities.

2. Server Management on AWS:

Server management on AWS EKS involves several intricate steps and configurations that can pose challenges for developers and startup founders. AWS EKS, being a Kubernetes-based service, requires users to navigate the complexities of Kubernetes clusters, nodes, and control planes. With AWS EKS, users are responsible for handling tasks such as worker node provisioning, updating, and maintaining the Kubernetes control plane. This involves dealing with AWS-specific configurations, IAM roles, VPC settings, and security groups. 

Furthermore, AWS EKS users must stay updated with the latest Kubernetes releases, EKS updates, and AWS service integrations to ensure optimal performance and security. The need for ongoing monitoring, troubleshooting, and addressing potential issues in the Kubernetes cluster adds another layer of complexity to server management on AWS EKS.

In contrast, PipeOps simplifies server management by abstracting away the complexities associated with Kubernetes and AWS EKS. It offers a managed service that handles server provisioning, configuration, and maintenance automatically. Users do not need to worry about the intricate details of setting up nodes. They also relax from managing control planes, or dealing with AWS-specific configurations. PipeOps provides a seamless experience, allowing developers and startup founders to focus on building and deploying applications rather than grappling with the intricate aspects of server management on AWS EKS.

3. Cost Optimization:

Cost optimization within a Kubernetes environment on AWS EKS can be challenging. It requiring you to navigate complexities related to EC2 instance selection, worker node capacity management, and resource utilization. After making it through these complexities, you then have to battle with determining optimal instance types, and adjusting node capacity. You also need to consider various instance pricing models such as reserved, spot, and on-demand instances.

AWS EKS users face intricacies in managing the dynamic nature of containerized workloads. This includes scaling resources based on demand, optimizing pod scheduling, and ensuring efficient resource utilization. Navigating AWS pricing models and Kubernetes resource allocation demands continuous adjustments to align resource usage with budget constraints and avoid unexpected cost spikes.

PipeOps simplifies this intricate process by providing an automated and managed deployment platform. This platform abstracts away the complexities of AWS pricing models and Kubernetes resource management. With transparent pricing, automated scaling based on demand, and simplified cost management, PipeOps empowers developers and startup founders to focus on building and scaling applications without delving into the intricate details of cost optimization on AWS EKS

4. CI/CD Pipeline Configuration:

Setting up a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline on AWS EKS involves script writing and configuration. This poses a challenge for less experienced developers. It’s like trying to build a perfectly-fitted machine, where even the slightest misalignment could lead to deployment hiccups. Ans by extension, hinder the flow of continuous integration and delivery.

PipeOps revolutionizes CI/CD pipeline configuration by providing an out-of-the-box solution for every project deployment. This eliminates the need for intricate scripting, making the deployment process more accessible to developers. PipeOps simplifies the setup of CI/CD pipelines by providing an automated and user-friendly platform that abstracts away the complexities. difficulties with scripting, orchestrating, and managing pipelines are all removed.

In case of deployment failures, PipeOps includes robust error handling mechanisms and supports automated rollbacks. This ensures that even in the event of issues, the platform takes care of reverting to a stable state without requiring manual intervention.

5. Monitoring & Logging:

AWS EKS users face challenges in configuring Prometheus and Grafana to collect, store, and visualize metrics from their Kubernetes clusters. This process involves creating Kubernetes service accounts and configuring RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) policies. It also involves handling the intricacies of secure communication between components. Additionally, integrating and fine-tuning Grafana dashboards for meaningful insights requires a deep understanding of both Kubernetes and the specific metrics relevant to application performance.

The complexity extends to logging, where users need to set up and manage tools like Fluentd or AWS services such as CloudWatch Logs. Configuring log aggregation, handling log formats, and ensuring that logs are accessible and actionable for troubleshooting can be intricate tasks. Demanding a substantial investment of time and expertise.

In contrast, PipeOps simplifies the setup of monitoring and logging on AWS EKS by providing an out-of-the-box solution. With PipeOps, Prometheus and Grafana are automatically configured and deployed with each project. This offers users pre-built dashboards for easy visualization of essential metrics. Similarly, log management is streamlined, ensuring that logs are readily available and accessible without the need for manual configurations. This simplification allows engineers and DevOps teams to focus on deriving insights from their application metrics. Instead of getting entangled in the complexities of monitoring and logging setup on AWS EKS

Conclusion on The Best Kubernetes Service

While AWS EKS remains a robust Kubernetes service, PipeOps stands out for its simplicity and ease of use. Properties which become even more important for beginners. By choosing PipeOps, you can deploy and manage your applications on Kubernetes without the complexities often associated with AWS EKS. This makes it a compelling choice for those prioritizing simplicity, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in their container orchestration journey.

To get started with PipeOps as a developer or a startup founder, visit our website PipeOps – All-in-One DevOps Platform

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